#For example, weekly data come in slides of 4 weeks
p <- 4 #number of layers in each slide (data come in a slide)
#We want to analyze the trend clusters within a window of 1 year
w <- 13 #number of slides in each window
s <- w #step to shift a window
#Simulate 26 autoregressive time series with two years of weekly data (52*2 weeks),
#with a 'burn-in' period of 300.
N <- 26
T <- 2*p*w
phi <- c(0.5) #parameter of autoregression
X <- sapply(1:N, function(x) arima.sim(n = T + 300,
list(order = c(length(phi), 0, 0), ar = phi)))[301:(T + 300),]
colnames(X) <- paste("TS", c(1:dim(X)[2]), sep = "")
tmp <- CWindowCluster(X, Delta = NULL, Theta = 0.8, p = p, w = w, s = s, Epsilon = 1)
#Time series were simulated with the same parameters, but based on the clustering parameters,
#not all time series join the same cluster. We can plot the main cluster for each window, and
#time series out of the cluster:
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
ts.plot(X[c(1:(p*w)), tmp[1,] == 1], ylim = c(-4, 4),
main = "Time series cluster 1 in window 1")
ts.plot(X[c(1:(p*w)), tmp[1,] != 1], ylim = c(-4, 4),
main = "The rest of the time series in window 1")
ts.plot(X[c(1:(p*w)) + s*p, tmp[2,] == 1], ylim = c(-4, 4),
main = "Time series cluster 1 in window 2")
ts.plot(X[c(1:(p*w)) + s*p, tmp[2,] != 1], ylim = c(-4, 4),
main = "The rest of the time series in window 2")
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