if (FALSE) {
## example 1
## use iris data to test DR procedure
require(clue) # calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth
Data <- scale(iris[,-5])
ground_truth_label <- iris[,5]
# perform DR procedure to select optimal eps for DBSCAN
# and save it in variable eps_opt
eps_opt <- DR(t(Data), method="DBSCAN", minPts = 5)$P_opt
# apply DBSCAN with the optimal eps on iris data
# and save the clustering result in variable res
res <- dbscan(Data, eps = eps_opt, minPts =5)$cluster
# calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth label
as.cl_partition(as.numeric(res)), method = "NMI")
# visualize the clustering result and compare it with the ground truth result
# 3D visualization of clustering result using variables Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length,
# and Petal.Length
scatterplot3d(Data[,-4],color = res)
# 3D visualization of ground truth result using variables Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length,
# and Petal.Length
scatterplot3d(Data[,-4],color = as.numeric(ground_truth_label))
## example 2
## use synthetic time series data to test DR procedure
# simulate 16 time series for 4 clusters, each cluster contains 4 time series
samp_Ind <- sample(12,replace=F)
time_points <- 30
X <- matrix(0,nrow=time_points,ncol = 12)
cluster1 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(0.2)),
n = time_points, mean = 0, sd = 1))
cluster2 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(2 ,0, 0), ar = c(0.1, -0.2)),
n = time_points, mean = 2, sd = 1))
cluster3 <- sapply(1:4,function(x) arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 1), ar = c(0.3), ma = c(0.1)),
n = time_points, mean = 6, sd = 1))
X[,samp_Ind[1:4]] <- t(round(cluster1, 4))
X[,samp_Ind[5:8]] <- t(round(cluster2, 4))
X[,samp_Ind[9:12]] <- t(round(cluster3, 4))
# create ground truth label of the synthetic data
ground_truth_label = matrix(1, nrow = 12, ncol = 1)
for(k in 1:3){
ground_truth_label[samp_Ind[(4*k - 4 + 1):(4*k)]] = k
# perform DR procedure to select optimal delta for TRUST
# and save it in variable delta_opt
delta_opt <- DR(X, method = "TRUST")$P_opt
# apply TRUST with the optimal delta on the synthetic data
# and save the clustering result in variable res
res <- CSlideCluster(X, Delta = delta_opt, Theta = 0.9)
# calculate NMI to compare the clustering result with the ground truth label
as.cl_partition(as.numeric(res)), method = "NMI")
# visualize the clustering result and compare it with the ground truth result
# visualization of the clustering result obtained by TRUST
plot.zoo(X, type = "l", plot.type = "single", col = res, xlab = "Time index", ylab = "")
# visualization of the ground truth result
plot.zoo(X, type = "l", plot.type = "single", col = ground_truth_label,
xlab = "Time index", ylab = "")
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