if (FALSE) {
#Example 1:
#Simulate some time series:
series_1 = arima.sim(n = 100, list(order = c(2,0,0), ar = c(-0.7, -0.1)))
series_2 = arima.sim(n = 200, list(order = c(2,0,0), ar = c(0.1, -0.6)))
main_series = c(series_1, series_2)
result11 = GombayCPA_test(series_1, 2, "two-sided")
result11 #== No change point ===#
result12 = GombayCPA_test(main_series, 2, "two-sided")
result12 #=== One change at phi values ===#
result13 = GombayCPA_test(main_series, 2, "two-sided", "bootstrap")
result13 #=== One change at phi values ===#
#Example 2:
#From the package 'Ecdat' consider a time series with annual world number of victims of
#terrorism in the US from 1970 till 2016:
c.data = Ecdat::terrorism['nkill.us']
nkill.us.ts <- ts(c.data, start = 1970, end = 2016)
#Now perform a change point detection with one sided tests:
GombayCPA_test(nkill.us.ts, 0, "lesser")
GombayCPA_test(nkill.us.ts, 0, "greater")
year = 1970 + 31
#In both cases we find that the change point is located at the position 31 or 32. We can
# examine it further by checking the value of this position (using: nkill.us.ts[32]) as well as
# by plotting the graph (using: plot(nkill.us.ts)). The detected change point corresponds to
#the year of 2001, when the 9/11 attack happened.
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