if (FALSE) {
#Example 1:
#Simulate some time series:
series_1 = rnorm(157, 2, 1)
series_2 = rnorm(43, 7, 10)
main_val = c(series_1, series_2)
#Now perform a change point detection:
cumsumCPA_test(series_1, 1) # no change
cumsumCPA_test(main_val, 1) # one change, asymptotic critical region
cumsumCPA_test(main_val, 1, "bootstrap", "parametric") # one change, parametric bootstrap
cumsumCPA_test(main_val, 1, "bootstrap", "nonparametric") # one change, nonparametric
#Example 2:
#Consider time series with ratio of real GDP per family to the median income. This is a
#skewness and income inequality measure for the US families from 1947 till 2012.
e.data = (Ecdat::incomeInequality['mean.median'])
incomeInequality.ts = ts(e.data, start = 1947, end = 2012, frequency = 1)
#Now perform a change point detection:
cumsumCPA_test(incomeInequality.ts, 0)
cumsumCPA_test(incomeInequality.ts, 0, "bootstrap", "parametric")
cumsumCPA_test(incomeInequality.ts, 0, "bootstrap", "nonparametric")
incomeInequality.ts[13] # median income
Ecdat::incomeInequality$Year[13] + 1 # year of change point
#The first change point occurs at the 13th time point, that is 1960, where the ratio of real
#GDP per family to the median income is 1.940126. This ratio shows that in 1960 the national
#wealth was not distributed equally between all the population and that most people earn
#almost twice less than the equal share of the all produced goods and services by the nation.
#Note: To look for the other possible change points, run the same function for the
#segment of time series after value 13.
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