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funtimes (version 9.1)

funtimes-package: funtimes: Functions for Time Series Analysis


Advances in multiple aspects of time-series analysis are documented in this package. See available vignettes using
browseVignettes(package = "funtimes")

Tests for trends applicable to autocorrelated data, see
vignette("trendtests", package = "funtimes")
include bootstrapped versions of t-test and Mann--Kendall test Noguchi_etal_2011funtimes and bootstrapped version of WAVK test for possibly non-monotonic trends Lyubchich_etal_2013_wavkfuntimes. The WAVK test is further applied in testing synchronicity of trends Lyubchich_Gel_2016_synchronismfuntimes; see an implementation to climate data in Lyubchich_2016_trends;textualfuntimes. With iterative testing, the synchronicity test is also applied for identifying clusters of multiple time series Ghahari_etal_2017_MBDCEfuntimes.

Additional clustering methods are implemented using functions BICC Schaeffer_etal_2016_trustfuntimes and DR Huang_etal_2018_ridingfuntimes; function purity can be used to assess the accuracy of clustering if true classes are known.

Changepoint detection methods include modified CUSUM-based bootstrapped test Lyubchich_etal_2020_changepointsfuntimes.

Additional functions include implementation of the Beale's ratio estimator, see
vignette("beales", package = "funtimes")
Nonparametric comparison of tails of distributions is implemented using small bins defined based on quantiles Soliman_etal_2015_insurancefuntimes or intervals in the units in which the data are recorded Lyubchich_Gel_2017_insurancefuntimes.

For a list of currently deprecated functions, use ?'funtimes-deprecated'

For a list of defunct (removed) functions, use ?'funtimes-defunct'



Maintainer: Vyacheslav Lyubchich lyubchich@umces.edu (ORCID)


  • Yulia R. Gel

  • Srishti Vishwakarma

Other contributors:

  • Alexander Brenning [contributor]

  • Calvin Chu [contributor]

  • Xin Huang [contributor]

  • Umar Islambekov [contributor]

  • Palina Niamkova [contributor]

  • Dorcas Ofori-Boateng [contributor]

  • Ethan D. Schaeffer [contributor]

  • Xingyu Wang [contributor]
