#Fix seed for reproducible simulations:
# Simulate two autoregressive time series of length n without trend
#(i.e., with zero or constant trend)
# and arrange the series into a matrix:
n <- 200
y1 <- arima.sim(n = n, list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(0.6)))
y2 <- arima.sim(n = n, list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(-0.2)))
Y <- cbind(y1, y2)
#Test H0 of a common linear trend:
if (FALSE) {
sync_test(Y ~ t, B = 500)
# Sample output:
## Nonparametric test for synchronism of parametric trends
##data: Y
##Test statistic = -0.0028999, p-value = 0.7
##alternative hypothesis: common trend is not of the form Y ~ t.
##sample estimates:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
##(Intercept) -0.02472566 0.1014069 -0.2438261 0.8076179
##t 0.04920529 0.1749859 0.2811958 0.7788539
## y1 y2
##ar.order 1 1
## y1 y2
##Window 15 8
## Window Statistic p-value Asympt. p-value
## 8 -0.000384583 0.728 0.9967082
## 11 -0.024994408 0.860 0.7886005
## 15 -0.047030164 0.976 0.6138976
## 20 -0.015078579 0.668 0.8714980
##[1] 0.05827148 -0.06117136
# Add a time series y3 with a different linear trend and re-apply the test:
y3 <- 1 + 3*((1:n)/n) + arima.sim(n = n, list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = c(-0.2)))
Y2 <- cbind(Y, y3)
if (FALSE) {
sync_test(Y2 ~ t, B = 500)}
# Sample output:
## Nonparametric test for synchronism of parametric trends
##data: Y2
##Test statistic = 0.48579, p-value < 2.2e-16
##alternative hypothesis: common trend is not of the form Y2 ~ t.
##sample estimates:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
##(Intercept) -0.3632963 0.07932649 -4.57976 8.219360e-06
##t 0.7229777 0.13688429 5.28167 3.356552e-07
## Y.y1 Y.y2 y3
##ar.order 1 1 0
## Y.y1 Y.y2 y3
##Window 8 11 8
## Window Statistic p-value Asympt. p-value
## 8 0.4930069 0 1.207378e-05
## 11 0.5637067 0 5.620248e-07
## 15 0.6369703 0 1.566057e-08
## 20 0.7431621 0 4.201484e-11
##[1] 0.08941797 -0.07985614 0.34672734
#Other hypothesized trend forms can be specified, for example:
if (FALSE) {
sync_test(Y ~ 1) #constant trend
sync_test(Y ~ poly(t, 2)) #quadratic trend
sync_test(Y ~ poly(t, 3)) #cubic trend
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