# The guard must be defined before the concrete function variant
abs_max %when% is.numeric(a)
abs_max %also% (length(a) > 1)
# This adds a post-assertion to ensure the value is what you expect
abs_max %must% (result > 0)
abs_max %as% function(a) abs_max(a[1], abs_max(a[2:length(a)]))
abs_max %when% (is.numeric(a) && length(a) == 1)
abs_max %must% (result == a)
abs_max %as% function(a) a
abs_max %when% (a %isa% DataObject & a %hasa% data)
abs_max %as% function(a) abs_max(as.numeric(strsplit(a$data, ',')[[1]]))
abs_max %when% (is.numeric(a) & is.numeric(b))
abs_max %must% (result >= a | result >= b)
abs_max %as% function(a, b) max(abs(a), abs(b))
# Using a guard of TRUE acts as a default condition
abs_max %when% TRUE
abs_max %as% function(a,b) abs_max(as.numeric(a), as.numeric(b))
# Define constructor for DataObject
create.DataObject <- function(T, data, name=NA) list(name=name, data=data)
# Test some output
abs_max(2,-3) # Calls abs_max.twoArg
abs_max("3","-4") # Calls abs_max.twoArgDefault
abs_max(3,"-4") # Calls abs_max.twoArgDefault
a <- rnorm(10)
abs_max(a) # Calls abs_max.recursive1
b <- create(DataObject, c('12,-3,-5,8,-13,3,1,3'))
abs_max(b) # Calls abs_max.csv
## Newton-Raphson optimization
converged <- function(x1, x0, tolerance=1e-6) abs(x1 - x0) < tolerance
minimize <- function(x0, algo, max.steps=100)
step <- 0
old.x <- x0
while (step < max.steps)
new.x <- iterate(old.x, algo)
if (converged(new.x, old.x)) break
old.x <- new.x
iterate %when% (algo %isa% NewtonRaphson)
iterate %as% function(x, algo) x - algo$f1(x) / algo$f2(x)
iterate %when% (algo %isa% GradientDescent)
iterate %as% function(x, algo) x - algo$step * algo$f1(x)
create.GradientDescent <- function(T, f1, step=0.01) list(f1=f1,step=step)
fx <- function(x) x^2 - 4
f1 <- function(x) 2*x
f2 <- function(x) 2
algo <- create(NewtonRaphson, f1=f1,f2=f2)
minimize(3, algo)
algo <- create(GradientDescent, f1=f1,step=0.1)
minimize(3, algo)
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