## Use a remote machine
plan(remote, workers = "remote.server.org")
## Evaluate expression remotely
host %<-% { Sys.info()[["nodename"]] }
[1] "remote.server.org"
## The following setups are equivalent:
plan(remote, workers = "localhost")
plan(cluster, workers = "localhost", persistent = TRUE)
plan(cluster, workers = 1, persistent = TRUE)
plan(multisession, workers = 1, persistent = TRUE)
## The following setups are equivalent:
plan(remote, workers = "remote.server.org")
plan(cluster, workers = "remote.server.org", persistent = TRUE, homogeneous = FALSE)
## The following setups are equivalent:
cl <- makeClusterPSOCK("remote.server.org")
plan(remote, workers = cl)
plan(cluster, workers = cl, persistent = TRUE)
# }
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