Not all operating systems support process forking and thereby not multicore
futures. For instance, forking is not supported on Microsoft Windows.
Moreover, process forking may break some R environments such as RStudio.
Because of this, the future package disables process forking also in
such cases. See parallelly::supportsMulticore()
for details.
Trying to create multicore futures on non-supported systems or when
forking is disabled will result in multicore futures falling back to
becoming sequential futures. If used in RStudio, there will be an
informative warning:
> plan(multicore)
Warning message:
In supportsMulticoreAndRStudio(...) :
[ONE-TIME WARNING] Forked processing ('multicore') is not supported when
running R from RStudio because it is considered unstable. For more details,
how to control forked processing or not, and how to silence this warning in
future R sessions, see ?parallelly::supportsMulticore