Interface to the g:Orth tool. Organism names are constructed by concatenating
the first letter of the name and the family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens',
mouse - 'mmusculus'.
maximum number of ortholog names per gene to show.
logical indicating whether to filter out results without a
corresponding target name.
logical indicating whether the output will be a data.frame or list.
The output can be either a list or a data.frame. The list has an entry
for every input gene. The data frame is a table closely corresponding to the
web interface output.
To alleviate the problem of having many orthologs per gene (most of them
uninformative) one can set a threshold for the number of results. The program
tries to find the most informative by selecting the most popular ones.
J. Reimand, M. Kull, H. Peterson, J. Hansen, J. Vilo: g:Profiler
-- a web-based toolset for functional profiling of gene lists from large-scale
experiments (2007) NAR 35 W193-W200