Corresponding R functions without the trailing underscore exist.
cell2entry_(cell, dim)make_plevels_(dim)
entry2cell_(entry, dim)
next_cell_(cell, dim)
next_cell_slice_(cell, dim, slice_marg)
slice2entry_(slice_cell, slice_marg, dim)
cell2entry_perm_(cell, dim, perm)
perm_cell_entries_(perm, dim)
Vector giving the cell, e.g. c(1, 1, 2) in 3-way table.
Vector giving array dimension, eg c(2, 2, 2).
An entry in an array (a number indexing a vector).
Vector giving the margin of a table, eg. c(2, 3)
Vector giving the corresponding cell of marginal table, e.g. c(1, 2)
Vector giving permutaion of array, eg. c(1, 3, 2).