Table operations implemented in c++. Corresponding R functions without the trailing underscore exist.
tab_perm_(tab, perm)tab_expand_(tab, aux, type = 0L)
tab_align_(tab1, tab2)
tab_marg_(tab, marg)
tab_op_(tab1, tab2, op = "*")
tab_add_(tab1, tab2)
tab_subt_(tab1, tab2)
tab_mult_(tab1, tab2)
tab_div_(tab1, tab2)
tab_div0_(tab1, tab2)
tab_equal_(tab1, tab2, eps = 1e-12)
Arrays with named dimnames (we call them 'named arrays').
A vector of indices or dimnames or a right hand sided formula giving the desired permutation/margin.
Either a list with names and dimnames or a named array from which such a list can be extracted.
If 0 then entries are duplicated. If 3 then averages are computed. If 2 then 0 slices are inserted.
Arrays with named dimnames (we call them 'named arrays').
Arrays with named dimnames (we call them 'named arrays').
A vector of indices or dimnames or a right hand sided formula giving the desired permutation/margin.
The operation to be carried out; "+", "-", "*", "/".
Criterion for checking equality of two arrays.
List of arrays.