The data come from a study of the effects of five dietary regimens with different fatty acid compositions on liver lipids and hepatic gene expression in 40 mice.
A data frame with 40 observations on 143 variables of which two are factors and 141 are numeric.
a factor with levels wt
a factor with levels coc
The data come from a study of the effects of five dietary regimens with different fatty acid compositions on liver lipids and hepatic gene expression in wild-type and PPAR-alpha-deficient mice (Martin et al., 2007).
There were 5 replicates per genotype and diet combination.
There are two design variables: (i) genotype, a factor with two levels: wild-type (wt) and PPAR-alpha-deficient (ppar), and (ii) diet, a factor with five levels. The oils used for experimental diet preparation were: corn and colza oils (50/50) for a reference diet (ref); hydrogenated coconut oil for a saturated fatty acid diet (coc); sunflower oil for an Omega6 fatty acid-rich diet (sun); linseed oil for an Omega3-rich diet (lin); and corn/colza/enriched (43/43/14) fish oils (fish).
There are 141 response variables: (i) the log-expression levels of 120 genes measured in liver cells, and (ii) the concentrations (in percentages) of 21 hepatic fatty acids measured by gas chromatography.
Martin, P. G. P., Guillou, H., Lasserre, F., D<e9>jean, S., Lan, A., Pascussi, J.-M., San Cristobal, M., Legrand, P., Besse, P. and Pineau, T. (2007). Novel aspects of PPARa-mediated regulation of lipid and xenobiotic metabolism revealed through a multrigenomic study. Hepatology 54, 767-777.
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