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Coercion of graphs represented as lists to various graph formats.
g_ugl2gn_(glist, vn = NULL)g_ugl2ig_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_ugl2dm_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_ugl2sm_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_ugl2XX_(zz, outtype, vn = NULL)
g_dagl2gn_(glist, vn = NULL)
g_dagl2ig_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_dagl2dm_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_dagl2sm_(zz, vn = NULL)
g_dagl2XX_(zz, outtype, vn = NULL)
g_adl2XX_(zz, outtype)
g_ugl2M_(glist, vn = NULL, result = "matrix")
g_dagl2M_(glist, vn = NULL, result = "matrix")
g_adl2M_(alist, result = "matrix")
A list of generators where a generator is a character vector. If interpreted as generators of an undirected graph, a generator is a complete set of vertices in the graph. If interpreted as generators of a dag, a generator (v1,...,vn) means that there will be arrows from v2,...,vn to v1.
The names of the vertices in the graphs. These will be the row and column names of the matrix.
An object representing a graph.
What should a list be coerced to.
Adjacency matrix (dense or sparse dgCMatrix).
A graph object.
An adjacency list.
## Sparse and dense adjacency matrices converted to adjacency list
g1 <- ug(~a:b + b:c + c:d, result="matrix")
g2 <- ug(~a:b + b:c + c:d, result="dgCMatrix")
g_M2adl_( g1 )
## Sparse and dense adjacency matrices converted to cliques
g_M2ugl_( g1 )
## Sparse and dense adjacency matrices converted to cliques
g_M2dagl_( g1 )
## g_M2adl_( g2 ) ## FIXME FAILS for sparse matrix
## g_M2ugl_( g2 ) ## FIXME Is there an issue here??
## g_M2dagList( g2 ) ## Fails for sparse matrix
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