## The following specifications of undirected graphs are equivalent:
uG1 <- ug(~ a:b:c + c:d)
uG2 <- ug(c("a", "b", "c"), c("c", "d"))
uG3 <- ug(c("a", "b"), c("a", "c"), c("b", "c"), c("c", "d"))
## The following specifications of directed acyclig graphs are equivalent:
daG1 <- dag(~ a:b:c + b:c + c:d)
daG2 <- dag(c("a", "b", "c"), c("b", "c"), c("c", "d"))
## dag() allows to specify directed graphs with cycles:
daG4 <- dag(~ a:b + b:c + c:a) # A directed graph but with cycles
## A check for acyclicity can be done with
## daG5 <- dag(~ a:b + b:c + c:a, forceCheck=TRUE)
## A check for acyclicity is provided by topoSort
topo_sort( daG2 )
topo_sort( daG4 )
## Different representations
uG6 <- ug(~a:b:c + c:d, result="graphNEL") # default
uG7 <- ug(~a:b:c + c:d, result="igraph") # igraph
uG8 <- ug(~a:b:c + c:d, result="matrix") # dense matrix
uG9 <- ug(~a:b:c + c:d, result="dgCMatrix") # sparse matrix
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