if(interactive()) {
w <- gwindow("Buttons", visible=FALSE)
g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE)
## various buttons
## with icons
b1 <- gbutton("open", cont=g)
## without icon
b2 <- gbutton("ouvrir", cont=g)
## by an action
act <- gaction("open", tooltip="open", icon="open", handler=function(...) {})
b3 <- gbutton(action=act, cont=g)
## with a handler
b4 <- gbutton("click me", cont=g, handler=function(h,...) {
if(svalue(b2) == "open")
svalue(b2) <- "ouvrir"
svalue(b2) <- "open"
## handlers can be blocked/unblocked
b5 <- gbutton("Click me for a message", cont=g)
id <- addHandlerClicked(b5, function(h,...) print("Ouch"))
b6 <- gcheckbox("toggle handler message", cont=g, use.togglebutton=TRUE, handler=function(h,...) {
if (svalue(b6)) {
blockHandler(b5, id)
} else {
unblockHandler(b5, id)
visible(w) <- TRUE
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab