Implementation varies wildly, but should provide at minimum
functionality of
. A single mouse click on a
cell should select that cell, a double click should initiate
editing of that cell.
Assign handler to be called when a cell, row or column changes
For gdf svalue refers to the selected values.
is used to refer to which rows are being shown.
items = NULL,
handler = NULL,
action = NULL,
container = NULL,
toolkit = guiToolkit()
items = NULL,
handler = NULL,
action = NULL,
container = NULL,
# S3 method for GDf
addHandlerChanged(obj, handler, action = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for GDf
svalue(obj, index = NULL, drop = TRUE, ...)
# S3 method for GDf
visible (obj) <- value
An object of class gDf
data frame to edit
called on cell change
passed to handler
parent container
passed to container's add
object receiving event and emitting a signal to the handler
NULL or logical. If TRUE
and widget supports it an index, instead of a value will be returned.
NULL or logical. If widget supports it, drop will work as it does in a data frame or perhaps someother means.
value to assign for selection or property
Contents of the data frame can be accessed via [
and manipulated with [<-
The save_data
reference class method can be called to
save the data into a variable with the specified name.
example in inst/examples/ex-gdf.R