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gWidgets2 (version 1.0-9)

ghtml: Widget for HTML display


This widget, when supported by the toolkit (not gWidgets2RGtk2 and gWidgets2tcltk) provides a simple means to display HTML formatted text.

Use to update displayed content. Value is HTML fragment or url


ghtml(x, container = NULL, ..., toolkit = guiToolkit())

.ghtml(toolkit, x, container = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for GHtml svalue (obj, index=TRUE, ...) <- value


a GHtml instance.



url or character vector of HTML formatted text. URLs marked by "http://" prefix


A parent container. When a widget is created it can be incorporated into the widget heirarchy by passing in a parent container at construction time. (For some toolkits this is not optional, e.g. gWidgets2tcltk or gWidgets2WWW2.)


These values are passed to the add method of the parent container. Examples of values are expand, fill, and anchor, although they're not always supported by a given widget. For more details see add. Occasionally the variable arguments feature has been used to sneak in hidden arguments to toolkit implementations. For example, when using a widget as a menubar object one can specify a parent argument to pass in parent information, similar to how the argument is used with gaction and the dialogs.


Each widget constructor is passed in the toolkit it will use. This is typically done using the default, which will lookup the toolkit through guiToolkit.


object of method call


NULL or logical. If TRUE and widget supports it an index, instead of a value will be returned.


value to assign for selection or property


john verzani