##### A gamBiCop example
## Simulation parameters (sample size, correlation between covariates,
## Gaussian copula family)
n <- 5e2
rho <- 0.5
fam <- 1
## A calibration surface depending on three variables
eta0 <- 1
calib.surf <- list(
calib.quad <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 8) {
Tm <- (Tf - Ti)/2
a <- -(b/3) * (Tf^2 - 3 * Tf * Tm + 3 * Tm^2)
return(a + b * (t - Tm)^2)},
calib.sin <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 1, f = 1) {
a <- b * (1 - 2 * Tf * pi/(f * Tf * pi +
cos(2 * f * pi * (Tf - Ti))
- cos(2 * f * pi * Ti)))
return((a + b)/2 + (b - a) * sin(2 * f * pi * (t - Ti))/2)},
calib.exp <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 2, s = Tf/8) {
Tm <- (Tf - Ti)/2
a <- (b * s * sqrt(2 * pi)/Tf) * (pnorm(0, Tm, s) - pnorm(Tf, Tm, s))
return(a + b * exp(-(t - Tm)^2/(2 * s^2)))})
## Display the calibration surface
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), pty = "s", mar = c(1, 1, 4, 1))
u <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
sel <- matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3), ncol = 2)
jet.colors <- colorRamp(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F",
"yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
jet <- function(x) rgb(jet.colors(exp(x/3)/(1 + exp(x/3))),
maxColorValue = 255)
for (k in 1:3) {
tmp <- outer(u, u, function(x, y)
eta0 + calib.surf[[sel[k,1]]](x) + calib.surf[[sel[k, 2]]](y))
persp(u, u, tmp, border = NA, theta = 60, phi = 30, zlab = "",
col = matrix(jet(tmp), nrow = 100),
xlab = paste("X", sel[k, 1], sep = ""),
ylab = paste("X", sel[k,2], sep = ""),
main = paste("eta0+f", sel[k, 1],
"(X", sel[k, 1], ") +f",sel[k, 2],
"(X", sel[k, 2], ")", sep = ""))
## 3-dimensional matrix X of covariates
covariates.distr <- mvdc(normalCopula(rho, dim = 3),
c("unif"), list(list(min = 0, max = 1)),
marginsIdentical = TRUE)
X <- rMvdc(n, covariates.distr)
## U in [0,1]x[0,1] with copula parameter depending on X
U <- condBiCopSim(fam, function(x1,x2,x3) {eta0+sum(mapply(function(f,x)
f(x), calib.surf, c(x1,x2,x3)))}, X[,1:3], par2 = 6, return.par = TRUE)
## Merge U and X
data <- data.frame(U$data,X)
names(data) <- c(paste("u",1:2,sep=""),paste("x",1:3,sep=""))
## Display the data
plot(data[, "u1"], data[, "u2"], xlab = "U1", ylab = "U2")
## Model fit with a basis size (arguably) too small
## and unpenalized cubic spines
pen <- FALSE
basis0 <- c(3, 4, 4)
formula <- ~s(x1, k = basis0[1], bs = "cr", fx = !pen) +
s(x2, k = basis0[2], bs = "cr", fx = !pen) +
s(x3, k = basis0[3], bs = "cr", fx = !pen)
system.time(fit0 <- gamBiCopFit(data, formula, fam))
## Model fit with a better basis size and penalized cubic splines (via min GCV)
pen <- TRUE
basis1 <- c(3, 10, 10)
formula <- ~s(x1, k = basis1[1], bs = "cr", fx = !pen) +
s(x2, k = basis1[2], bs = "cr", fx = !pen) +
s(x3, k = basis1[3], bs = "cr", fx = !pen)
system.time(fit1 <- gamBiCopFit(data, formula, fam))
## Extract the gamBiCop objects and show various methods
(res <- sapply(list(fit0,fit1), function(fit){fit$res}))
metds <- list('logLik'=logLik,'AIC'=AIC,'BIC'=BIC,'EDF'=EDF)
lapply(res, function(x) sapply(metds, function(f) f(x)))
## Comparison between fitted, true smooth and spline approximation for each
## true smooth function for the two basis sizes
fitted <- lapply(res, function(x) gamBiCopPredict(x, data.frame(x1=u,x2=u,x3=u),
type = "terms")$calib)
true <- vector("list", 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
y <- eta0+calib.surf[[i]](u)
true[[i]]$true <- y - eta0
temp <- gam(y ~ s(u, k = basis0[i], bs = "cr", fx = TRUE))
true[[i]]$approx <- predict.gam(temp, type = "terms")
temp <- gam(y ~s(u, k = basis1[i], bs = "cr", fx = FALSE))
true[[i]]$approx2 <- predict.gam(temp, type = "terms")
## Display results
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), pty = "s")
yy <- range(true, fitted)
yy[1] <- yy[1] * 1.5
for(k in 1:3){
plot(u, true[[k]]$true, type = "l", ylim = yy,
xlab = paste("Covariate",k), ylab = paste("Smooth",k))
lines(u, true[[k]]$approx, col = "red", lty = 2)
lines(u, fitted[[1]][, k], col = "red")
lines(u, fitted[[2]][, k], col = "green")
lines(u, true[[k]]$approx2, col = "green", lty = 2)
legend("bottomleft", cex = 0.6, lty = c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2),
c("True", "Fitted", "Appox 1", "Fitted 2", "Approx 2"),
col = c("black", "red", "red", "green", "green"))
##### A gamVine example
## Simulation parameters
# Sample size
n <- 1e3
# Copula families
familyset <- c(1:2,301:304,401:404)
# Define a 4-dimensional R-vine tree structure matrix
d <- 4
Matrix <- c(2,3,4,1,0,3,4,1,0,0,4,1,0,0,0,1)
Matrix <- matrix(Matrix,d,d)
nnames <- paste("X", 1:d, sep = "")
## A function factory
eta0 <- 1
calib.surf <- list(
calib.quad <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 8) {
Tm <- (Tf - Ti)/2
a <- -(b/3) * (Tf^2 - 3 * Tf * Tm + 3 * Tm^2)
return(a + b * (t - Tm)^2)},
calib.sin <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 1, f = 1) {
a <- b * (1 - 2 * Tf * pi/(f * Tf * pi +
cos(2 * f * pi * (Tf - Ti))
- cos(2 * f * pi * Ti)))
return((a + b)/2 + (b - a) * sin(2 * f * pi * (t - Ti))/2)},
calib.exp <- function(t, Ti = 0, Tf = 1, b = 2, s = Tf/8) {
Tm <- (Tf - Ti)/2
a <- (b * s * sqrt(2 * pi)/Tf) * (pnorm(0, Tm, s) - pnorm(Tf, Tm, s))
return(a + b * exp(-(t - Tm)^2/(2 * s^2)))})
## Create the model
# Define gam-vine model list
count <- 1
model <- vector(mode = "list", length = d*(d-1)/2)
sel <- seq(d,d^2-d, by = d)
# First tree
for (i in 1:(d-1)) {
# Select a copula family
family <- sample(familyset, 1)
model[[count]]$family <- family
# Use the canonical link and a randomly generated parameter
if (is.element(family,c(1,2))) {
model[[count]]$par <- tanh(rnorm(1)/2)
if (family == 2) {
model[[count]]$par2 <- 2+exp(rnorm(1))
} else {
if (is.element(family,c(401:404))) {
rr <- rnorm(1)
model[[count]]$par <- sign(rr)*(1+abs(rr))
} else {
model[[count]]$par <- rnorm(1)
model[[count]]$par2 <- 0
count <- count + 1
# A dummy dataset
data <- data.frame(u1 = runif(1e2), u2 = runif(1e2), matrix(runif(1e2*d),1e2,d))
# Trees 2 to (d-1)
for(j in 2:(d-1)){
for(i in 1:(d-j)){
# Select a copula family
family <- sample(familyset, 1)
# Select the conditiong set and create a model formula
cond <- nnames[sort(Matrix[(d-j+2):d,i])]
tmpform <- paste("~",paste(paste("s(", cond, ", k=10, bs='cr')",
sep = ""), collapse=" + "))
l <- length(cond)
temp <- sample(3, l, replace = TRUE)
# Spline approximation of the true function
m <- 1e2
x <- matrix(seq(0,1,length.out=m), nrow = m, ncol = 1)
if(l != 1){
tmp.fct <- paste("function(x){eta0+",
paste(sapply(1:l, function(x)
sep="")), collapse="+"),"}",sep="")
tmp.fct <- eval(parse(text = tmp.fct))
x <- eval(parse(text = paste0("expand.grid(",
paste0(rep("x",l), collapse = ","),")",
collapse = "")))
y <- apply(x,1,tmp.fct)
tmp.fct <- function(x) eta0+calib.surf[[temp]](x)
colnames(x) <- cond
y <- tmp.fct(x)
# Estimate the gam model
form <- as.formula(paste0("y", tmpform))
dd <- data.frame(y, x)
names(dd) <- c("y", cond)
b <- gam(form, data = dd)
# Create a dummy gamBiCop object
tmp <- gamBiCopFit(data = data, formula = form, family = 1, n.iters = 1)$res
# Update the copula family and the model coefficients
attr(tmp, "model")$coefficients <- coefficients(b)
attr(tmp, "model")$smooth <- b$smooth
attr(tmp, "family") <- family
if (family == 2) {
attr(tmp, "par2") <- 2+exp(rnorm(1))
model[[count]] <- tmp
count <- count+1
# Create the gamVineCopula object
GVC <- gamVine(Matrix=Matrix,model = model,names=nnames)
# }
## Simulate and fit the model
sim <- gamVineSimulate(n, GVC)
fitGVC <- gamVineSeqFit(sim, GVC, verbose = TRUE)
fitGVC2 <- gamVineCopSelect(sim, Matrix, verbose = TRUE)
## Plot the results
plot(GVC, ylim = c(-2.5,2.5))
plot(fitGVC, ylim = c(-2.5,2.5))
plot(fitGVC2, ylim = c(-2.5,2.5))
# }
# }
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