Functional magnetic resonance imaging measurements for a human brain subject to a particular experimental stimulus. One slice of the image is provided, described as a near-axial slice through the dorsal cerebral cortex.
A data frame with 5 columns and 1567 rows. Each row refers to one `voxel' of the image. The columns are:
voxel position on horizontal axis.
voxel position on vertical axis.
median of three replicate `Fundamental Power Quotient' values at the voxel: this is the main measurement of brain activivity.
code indicating which of several regions of the brain the voxel
belongs to. The regions are defined by the experimenters. 0
is the base
region; 1
is the
region of interest; 2
is the region activated by the experimental
stimulus; NA
denotes a voxel with no allocation.
mean phase shift at the Voxel, over three measurments.
See the source article for fuller details.