Data from film revenues from the 1990s'.
A data frame with 4031 observations on the following 4 variables.
the log of the number of screens
% \item{\code{boopen}}{box office opening revenues calculated in 1987 prices}
the log of box office opening revenues
% \item{\code{borev1}}{the box office revenues after the first week, \code{borev0-boopen}}
the log of box office revenues after the first week
a factor indicating whether Independent
or Major
% \item{\code{whetherCost}}{a factor with levels \code{0} \code{1} indication whether the original data has the cost of the film to make}
Those data are data analysed in Voudouris et. al. (2011) suitably anonymised.
Gilchrist, R., Rigby, R., Sedgwick, J., Stasinopoulos, S., Voudouris, V. (2011) Forecasting film revenues using GAMLSS, in Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling ed: Conesa, D., Forte, A., Lopez-Quilez, A., Munoz, F., 263-268, Valencia, Spain.
Voudouris V., Gilchrist R., Rigby R., Sedgwick J. and Stasinopoulos D. (2011) Modelling skewness and kurtosis with the BCPE density in GAMLSS. Journal of Applied Statistics