- msout
an ms output.
- is.file
a flag indicating ms output as a system file or an R object.
- xpose
a flag to obtain the tranposed format as it is (when TRUE).
- verbose
when TRUE, display on screen every 1000 for large nsam.
- outfile
to save the haplotypes in a tab-delimited ASCII file.
- outfileonly
to reset gametes to NA when nsam/nreps is very large and is useful with outfile.
The returned value is a list storing the results.
- call
system call to ms
- seed
random number seed to ms
- nsam
number of copies of the locus in each sample
- nreps
the number of independent samples to generate
- segsites
a vector of the numbers of segregating sites
- times
vectors of time to most recent ancester (TMRCA) and total tree lengths
- positions
positions of polymorphic sites on a scale of (0,1)
- gametes
a list of haplotype arrays
- probs
the probability of the specified number of segregating sites
given the genealogical history of the sample and the value to -t option