Many computer programs for genetic data analysis requires pedigree data to be in the so-called
``post-MAKEPED'' format. This function performs this translation and allows for some
inconsistences to be detected.
The first four columns of the input file contains the following information:
pedigree ID, individual ID, father's ID, mother's ID, sex
Either father's or mother's id is set to 0 for founders, i.e. individuals with no parents.
Numeric coding for sex is 0=unknown, 1=male, 2=female. These can be followed by satellite
information such as disease phenotype and marker information.
The output file has extra information extracted from data above.
Before invoking makeped, input file, loop file and proband file have to be prepared.
By default,, so translation proceeds without considering loops and proband statuses.
If there are loops in the pedigrees, then set, with.loop=1, loop.file="filespec".
There may be several versions of makeped available, but their differences with this port should
be minor.