v <- c(1, NA, 3)
isNA(v[2]) # TRUE
## identical() distinguishes different types of NA:
class(v) # "numeric", not "integer"
identical(v[2], NA) # FALSE, NA on its own is "logical"
identical(v[2], NA_integer_) # FALSE
identical(v[2], NA_real_) # TRUE
vi <- c(1L, NA_integer_, 3L)
isNA(vi[2]) # TRUE
class(vi) # "integer"
identical(vi[2], NA_integer_) # TRUE
identical(vi[2], NA_real_) # FALSE
## is.na(NULL) would give a warning
## a length zero object is not NA, so isNA() returns FALSE:
isNA(logical(0)) # FALSE
## is.na() has a different remit and returns a 0-length vector:
is.na(logical(0)) # logical(0)
# }
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