createDatabase(dbfile) databaseResult(data,dbfile)
installAtlas() installAtlas39() installGoto() installMKL() purgeAtlas() purgeAtlas39() purgeGoto() purgeMKL()
isPackageInstalled(package) hasGputools()
checks for a few system requirements such platform
(Unix), operating system provider (Debian or Ubuntu) and presense of
key packages (gotoblas2-helper). createDatabase
creates an empty SQLite database to store
benchmark results.
stores the benchmark results in the SQLite
The different install*
functions add the respective BLAS
libraries to the system; the different purge*
functions do the
inverse operation and remove them.
The function hasGputools
tests for presence of this CRAN
package on the current machine -- as a very cheap proxy to testing
whether the machine in GPU-capable or not. It uses the function
for this test.
The function getBenchmarkData
retrieves benchmark results for a
given host.