This function searches the local system for valid installations of
GDAL, and returns a list, one item per valid GDAL install, containing
the path to the installation, the version, the release date, available drivers,
and available python utilities. The list will be sorted by release date, so
in general the first entry is the one that is used by the various GDAL utilities.
Note that this will automatically run every time a GDAL wrapper function is called,
so the user does not have to explicitly run it.
gdal_setInstallation is designed to invoke consecutively more
rigorous searches in able to find a valid GDAL install. Understanding
the search routine may help debug problems on your system. The order
of the searches is as follows, noting that as soon as a valid install
is found (determined by running gdalinfo --version and getting the
correct output), gdal_setInstallation stops further searching:
Checks a pre-determined location given by the search_path parameter.
Checks using Sys.which(). This is typically defined
in the system's PATH, so will override any other install.
Checks in common install locations (OS specific).
(optional, if ignore.full_scan=FALSE) Finally, if it can't find a valid GDAL install anywhere else,
it will brute-force search the entire local system (which may
take a long time).