## Using pixel longitude/latitude
# Hopkins bioclimatic index (HI) as described in:
# Bechtold, 2004, West. J. Appl. For. 19(4):245-251.
# Integrates elevation, latitude and longitude into an index of the
# phenological occurrence of springtime. Here it is relativized to
# mean values for an eight-state region in the western US.
# Positive HI means spring is delayed by that number of days relative
# to the reference position, while negative values indicate spring is
# advanced. The original equation had elevation units as feet, so
# converting m to ft in `expr`.
elev_file <- system.file("extdata/storml_elev.tif", package="gdalraster")
# expression to calculate HI
expr <- "round( ((ELEV_M * 3.281 - 5449) / 100) +
((pixelLat - 42.16) * 4) +
((-116.39 - pixelLon) * 1.25) )"
# calc() writes to a tempfile by default
hi_file <- calc(expr = expr,
rasterfiles = elev_file,
var.names = "ELEV_M",
dtName = "Int16",
nodata_value = -32767,
setRasterNodataValue = TRUE)
ds <- new(GDALRaster, hi_file)
# min, max, mean, sd
ds$getStatistics(band=1, approx_ok=FALSE, force=TRUE)
## Calculate normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)
# Landast band 4 (red) and band 5 (near infrared):
b4_file <- system.file("extdata/sr_b4_20200829.tif", package="gdalraster")
b5_file <- system.file("extdata/sr_b5_20200829.tif", package="gdalraster")
expr <- "((B5 * 0.0000275 - 0.2) - (B4 * 0.0000275 - 0.2)) /
((B5 * 0.0000275 - 0.2) + (B4 * 0.0000275 - 0.2))"
ndvi_file <- calc(expr = expr,
rasterfiles = c(b4_file, b5_file),
var.names = c("B4", "B5"),
dtName = "Float32",
nodata_value = -32767,
setRasterNodataValue = TRUE)
ds <- new(GDALRaster, ndvi_file)
ds$getStatistics(band=1, approx_ok=FALSE, force=TRUE)
## Reclassify a variable by rule set
# Combine two raster layers and look for specific combinations. Then
# recode to a new value by rule set.
# Based on example in:
# Stratton, R.D. 2009. Guidebook on LANDFIRE fuels data acquisition,
# critique, modification, maintenance, and model calibration.
# Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-220. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
# Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 54 p.
# Context: Refine national-scale fuels data to improve fire simulation
# results in localized applications.
# Issue: Areas with steep slopes (40+ degrees) were mapped as
# GR1 (101; short, sparse dry climate grass) and
# GR2 (102; low load, dry climate grass) but were not carrying fire.
# Resolution: After viewing these areas in Google Earth,
# NB9 (99; bare ground) was selected as the replacement fuel model.
# look for combinations of slope >= 40 and FBFM 101 or 102
lcp_file <- system.file("extdata/storm_lake.lcp", package="gdalraster")
rasterfiles <- c(lcp_file, lcp_file)
var.names <- c("SLP", "FBFM")
bands <- c(2, 4)
tbl <- combine(rasterfiles, var.names, bands)
tbl_subset <- subset(tbl, SLP >= 40 & FBFM %in% c(101,102))
print(tbl_subset) # twelve combinations meet the criteria
sum(tbl_subset$count) # 85 total pixels
# recode these pixels to 99 (bare ground)
# the LCP driver does not support in-place write so make a copy as GTiff
tif_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "storml_lndscp.tif")
createCopy("GTiff", tif_file, lcp_file)
expr <- "ifelse( SLP >= 40 & FBFM %in% c(101,102), 99, FBFM)"
calc(expr = expr,
rasterfiles = c(lcp_file, lcp_file),
bands = c(2, 4),
var.names = c("SLP", "FBFM"),
dstfile = tif_file,
out_band = 4,
write_mode = "update")
# verify the ouput
rasterfiles <- c(tif_file, tif_file)
tbl <- combine(rasterfiles, var.names, bands)
tbl_subset <- subset(tbl, SLP >= 40 & FBFM %in% c(101,102))
# if LCP file format is needed:
# createCopy("LCP", "storml_edited.lcp", tif_file)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab