getCreationOptions: Return the list of creation options of a GDAL driver
getCreationOptions() returns the list of creation options supported by a
GDAL format driver as an XML string (invisibly).
Wrapper for GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList() in the GDAL API.
Information about the available creation options is also printed to the
console by default.
getCreationOptions(format, filter = NULL)
Invisibly, an XML string that describes the full list of creation
options or empty string "" (full output of
GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList() in the GDAL API).
Raster format short name (e.g., "GTiff").
Optional character vector of creation option names. Controls
only the amount of information printed to the console.
By default, information for all creation options is printed. Can be set to
empty string "" to disable printing information to the console.