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gdalraster (version 1.12.0)

footprint: Compute footprint of a raster


footprint() is a wrapper of the gdal_footprint command-line utility (see https://gdal.org/en/stable/programs/gdal_footprint.html). The function can be used to compute the footprint of a raster file, taking into account nodata values (or more generally the mask band attached to the raster bands), and generating polygons/multipolygons corresponding to areas where pixels are valid, and write to an output vector file. Refer to the GDAL documentation at the URL above for a list of command-line arguments that can be passed in cl_arg. Requires GDAL >= 3.8.


footprint(src_filename, dst_filename, cl_arg = NULL)


Logical indicating success (invisible TRUE). An error is raised if the operation fails.



Character string. Filename of the source raster.


Character string. Filename of the destination vector. If the file and the output layer exist, the new footprint is appended to them, unless the -overwrite command-line argument is used.


Optional character vector of command-line arguments for gdal_footprint.


Post-vectorization geometric operations are applied in the following order:

  • optional splitting (-split_polys)

  • optional densification (-densify)

  • optional reprojection (-t_srs)

  • optional filtering by minimum ring area (-min_ring_area)

  • optional application of convex hull (-convex_hull)

  • optional simplification (-simplify)

  • limitation of number of points (-max_points)

See Also



Run this code
evt_file <- system.file("extdata/storml_evt.tif", package="gdalraster")
out_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "storml.geojson")

# Requires GDAL >= 3.8
if (as.integer(gdal_version()[2]) >= 3080000) {
  # command-line arguments for gdal_footprint
  args <- c("-t_srs", "EPSG:4326")
  footprint(evt_file, out_file, args)


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab