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gdalraster (version 1.12.0)

read_ds: Convenience wrapper for GDALRaster$read()


read_ds() will read from a raster dataset that is already open in a GDALRaster object. By default, it attempts to read the full raster extent from all bands at full resolution. read_ds() is sometimes more convenient than GDALRaster$read(), e.g., to read specific multiple bands for display with plot_raster(), or simply for the argument defaults to read an entire raster into memory (see Note).


  bands = NULL,
  xoff = 0,
  yoff = 0,
  xsize = ds$getRasterXSize(),
  ysize = ds$getRasterYSize(),
  out_xsize = xsize,
  out_ysize = ysize,
  as_list = FALSE,
  as_raw = FALSE


If as_list = FALSE (the default), a numeric or complex vector containing the values that were read. It is organized in left to right, top to bottom pixel order, interleaved by band. If as_list = TRUE, a list with number of elements equal to the number of bands read. Each element contains a numeric or complex vector containing the pixel data read for the band.



An object of class GDALRaster in open state.


Integer vector of band numbers to read. By default all bands will be read.


Integer. The pixel (column) offset to the top left corner of the raster region to be read (zero to start from the left side).


Integer. The line (row) offset to the top left corner of the raster region to be read (zero to start from the top).


Integer. The width in pixels of the region to be read.


Integer. The height in pixels of the region to be read.


Integer. The width in pixels of the output buffer into which the desired region will be read (e.g., to read a reduced resolution overview).


Integer. The height in pixels of the output buffer into which the desired region will be read (e.g., to read a reduced resolution overview).


Logical. If TRUE, return output as a list of band vectors. If FALSE (the default), output is a vector of pixel data interleaved by band.


Logical. If TRUE and the underlying data type is Byte, return output as R's raw vector type. This maps to the setting $readByteAsRaw on the GDALRaster object, which is used to temporarily update that field in this function. To control this behaviour in a persistent way on a data set see $readByteAsRaw in GDALRaster-class.


NA will be returned in place of the nodata value if the raster dataset has a nodata value defined for the band. Data are read as R integer type when possible for the raster data type (Byte, Int8, Int16, UInt16, Int32), otherwise as type double (UInt32, Float32, Float64).

The output object has attribute gis, a list containing:

  $type = "raster"
  $bbox = c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
  $dim = c(xsize, ysize, nbands)
  $srs = <projection as WKT2 string>
  $datatype = <character vector of data type name by band>

The WKT version used for the projection string can be overridden by setting the OSR_WKT_FORMAT configuration option. See srs_to_wkt() for a list of supported values.

See Also



Run this code
# read three bands from a multi-band dataset
lcp_file <- system.file("extdata/storm_lake.lcp", package="gdalraster")
ds <- new(GDALRaster, lcp_file)

# as a vector of pixel data interleaved by band
r <- read_ds(ds, bands=c(6,5,4))

# as a list of band vectors
r <- read_ds(ds, bands=c(6,5,4), as_list=TRUE)

# gis attribute list
attr(r, "gis")


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab