Queries GDELT's full text API for user specified terms, machine learned items, web domains and more. Users can return raw data or a Trelliscope of visual results. Data is a available in rolling three month periods.
get_data_ft_v2_api(terms = NA, domains = NA, images_face_tone = NA,
images_num_faces = NA, images_ocr = NA, images_tag = NA,
images_web_tag = NA, images_web_count = NA, source_countries = NA,
source_languages = "English", gkg_themes = NA, tone = NA,
tone_absolute_value = NA, use_or = FALSE, modes = "ArtList",
search_language = "eng", timespans = c("24 hours"), dates = NA,
maximum_records = 250, translate = NULL, timeline_smooth = 5,
sort_by = "DateDesc", visualize_results = TRUE,
trelliscope_parameters = list(path = NULL, rows = 1, columns = 2, id_columns
= NULL, group_columns = NULL), nest_data = FALSE, return_message = TRUE,
a vector of terms
a vector of webdomains
vector of facial tone scores
vector of face count
vector of words to search for OCR'd text
vector of image tags from the image tag code book.
use get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "imagetag"))
for options
vector of image tags from the image web tag code book.
use get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "imageweb"))
numeric vector of number of times photo appeared
character source countries
#' see get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "countries")
for options
vector of source language - default is English
#' see get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "languages")
for options
global knowledge graph theme
#' use get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "gkg"))
for options
numeric tone - default (NA)
numeric tone absolute value (default NA)
chains multiple items using and or statement
else chained by and
API search mode
ArtList - data frame of articles for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text (default)
ImageCollage - data frame of images from for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
ImageCollageInfo - data frame of images from the article for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text, includes information on age of the photo and number of uses
ImageCollageShare - data frame of images shared on social media from the article for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text, includes information on age of the photo and number of uses
TimelineVol - Timeline of of article volume for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
TimelineVolInfo - Timeline of of article volume with article information for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
TimelineTone - Timeline of of article tone for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
TimelineLang - Timeline of of article language for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
TimelineSourceCountry - Timeline of of article sourcelanguage for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
ToneChart - histogram of binned counts by tone for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
WordCloudEnglish - word cloud of English words for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
WordCloudNative - word cloud of native text for specified specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
WordCloudTheme - word cloud of Global Knowledge Graph themes specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
WordCloudImageTags - word cloud of resolved imagetags for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
WordCloudImageWebTags - word cloud of resolved image web tags for specified terms/domains/webtags/imagewebtags and OCR'd text
vector of search language - default is english
see get_gdelt_codebook_ft_api(code_book = "languages")
for options
character vector of the time frame - no more than 12 weeks - default is 24 hours acceptable periods include:
hours (default)
vector of dates in YMD HMS format, seperated by -
you can use the generate_dates()
function to generate a vector of
default NULL
Number between 1 and 250
if mode
is a timeline
sorting method
DateDesc - descending by date (default)
DateAsc - ascending by date
ToneDesc - descinding tone
returns a visualization
list of parameters to pass along to trelliscope
path: if not NULL
the path to save the trelliscope
rows: rows for trelliscope
columns: columns for trelliscope
id_columns: initial columns
returns a nested data_frame()
returns a messag
- additional parameters
a data_frame
or a form of visualization