##set up site-pair table using the southwest data set
sppData <- southwest[, c(1,2,13,14)]
envTab <- southwest[, c(2:ncol(southwest))]
sitePairTab <- formatsitepair(sppData, 2, XColumn="Long", YColumn="Lat",
sppColumn="species", siteColumn="site", predData=envTab)
##plot GDM uncertainty using one core
#not run
#plotUncertainty(sitePairTab, sampleSites=0.70, bsIters=5, geo=TRUE, plot.layout=c(3,3))
##plot GDM uncertainty in parallel
#not run
#plotUncertainty(sitePairTab, sampleSites=0.70, bsIters=50, geo=TRUE, plot.layout=c(3,3),
#parallel=T, cores=10)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab