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gemtc (version 0.8-8)

mtc.network: Create an mtc.network


Creates an object of class mtc.network


mtc.network(data.ab=data, treatments=NULL, description="Network",
            data.re=NULL, studies=NULL, data=NULL)

# S3 method for mtc.network plot(x, layout=igraph::layout.circle, dynamic.edge.width=TRUE, use.description=FALSE, ...)



Arm-level data. A data frame defining the arms of each study, containing the columns `study' and `treatment', where `treatment' must refer to an existing treatment ID if treatments were specified. Further columns define the data per arm, and depend on the likelihood/link to be used. See mtc.model for supported likelihood/links and their data requirements.


Relative effect data. A data frame defining the arms of each study, containing the columns `study' and `treatment', where `treatment' must refer to an existing treatment ID if treatments were specified. The column `diff' specifies the mean difference between the current arm and the baseline arm; set `diff=NA' for the baseline arm. The column `std.err' specifies the standard error of the mean difference (for non-baseline arms). For trials with more than two arms, specify the standard error of the mean of the baseline arm in `std.err', as this determines the covariance of the differences.


Optional. A data frame with columns `id' and `description' defining the treatments or a vector giving the treatment IDs.


Optional. A data frame with a `study' column naming the studies and additional columns containing covariate values.


Optional. Short description of the network.


Deprecated. Arm-level data; automatically assigned to data.ab if it is not specified. Present for compatibility with older versions.


An mtc.network object.


An igraph-compatible layout.


If set to TRUE, dynamically set the edge width based on the number of studies.


Display treatment descriptions instead of treatment IDs.


Additional arguments passed to plot.igraph.


For mtc.network, an object of the class mtc.network which is a list containing:


A short description of the network


A data frame describing the treatments


A data frame containing the network data (arm-level)


A data frame containing the network data (relative effects)


A data frame containing study-level information (covariates)

These are cleaned up and standardized versions of the arguments provided, or generated defaults for `treatments' if the argument was omitted.


One-arm trials are automatically removed, which results in a warning.

Also see mtc.data.studyrow for a convenient way to import data from the one-study-per-row format, which is very popular for BUGS code.

See Also

mtc.data.studyrow, mtc.model


Run this code
# Create a new network by specifying all information.
treatments <- read.table(textConnection('
  id  description
  A   "Treatment A"
  B   "Treatment B"
  C   "Treatment C"'), header=TRUE)
data <- read.table(textConnection('
  study  treatment  responders  sampleSize
  01     A          2           100
  01     B          5           100
  02     B          6           110
  02     C          1           110
  03     A          3           60
  03     C          4           80
  03     B          7           80'), header=TRUE)
network <- mtc.network(data, description="Example", treatments=treatments)

# Create a new network by specifying only the data.
data <- read.table(textConnection('
  study  treatment  mean   std.dev  sampleSize
  01     A          -1.12  0.6      15
  01     B          -1.55  0.5      16
  02     A          -0.8   0.7      33
  02     B          -1.1   0.5      31'), header=TRUE)
network <- mtc.network(data)

# Print the network
## MTC dataset: Network
##   study treatment  mean std.dev sampleSize
## 1     1         A -1.12     0.6         15
## 2     1         B -1.55     0.5         16
## 3     2         A -0.80     0.7         33
## 4     2         B -1.10     0.5         31
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab