Plots resistivity against height on and next to the intersection line between two profiles.
plotIntersect(.Object1, .Object2 = NULL,
xlab = "Height above sea level [m]",
ylab = expression(paste("Resistivity [", Omega, "m]")), main = "",
trafo = log, backtrafo = exp, col = colors, pch = c(20, 20),
type = "p", legendLoc = "bottomleft")# S4 method for ProfileSet,ANY
plotIntersect(.Object1, xlab, ylab, main, trafo,
backtrafo, col, pch, type, legendLoc)
# S4 method for Profile,Profile
plotIntersect(.Object1, .Object2 = NULL,
xlab = "Height above sea level [m]",
ylab = expression(paste("Resistivity [", Omega, "m]")), main = "",
trafo = log, backtrafo = exp, col = colors, pch = c(20, 20),
type = "p", legendLoc = "bottomleft")
either a single Profile or a ProfileSet.
either a second single Profile or NULL if .Object1 is of type ProfileSet.
label of the x-axes, e.g. length [m].
label of the y-axes, e.g. height above sea level [m].
title to be plotted.
transformation to be done on data (default: log).
back transformation to plot correct labels (default: exp).
character vector of colors.
numeric vector of plotting symbols.
plot type (default "p" for points). "b" for both points and lines, "c" for empty points joined by lines, "o" for overplotted points and lines, "s" and "S" for stair steps and "h" for histogram-like vertical lines. Finally, "n" does not produce any points or lines.
legendLocation (default "bottomleft").
plotIntersect(sinkhole@profiles[[1]], sinkhole@profiles[[2]])
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