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Plots the legend for resistivity values.
plotLegend(.Object, legend.lab = expression(paste("Resistivity [", Omega,
" m]")), minData = 0, maxData = 999999, breaks = NULL,
legend.line = 2.2, nlevel = 18, lab.breaks = c(), horizontal = T,
col = colors, trafo = log, backtrafo = exp, ...)# S4 method for ProfileSet
plotLegend(.Object, legend.lab,
minData = .Object@minData, maxData = .Object@maxData)
# S4 method for Profile
plotLegend(.Object, legend.lab,
minData = .Object@processedData@minData,
maxData = .Object@processedData@maxData)
either a single Profile or a ProfileSet.
label of legend (default: expression(paste("Resistivity [", Omega, "]"))).
minimum value.
maximum value.
Break points in sorted order to indicate the intervals for assigning the colors. Note that if there are nlevel colors there should be (nlevel+1) breakpoints. If breaks is not specified (nlevel+1) equally spaced breaks are created where the first and last bin have their midpoints at the minimum and maximum values in z or at zlim.
distance in units of character height (as in mtext) of the legend label from the color bar. Make this larger if the label collides with the color axis labels.
number of color levels.
number of breaks.
If false legend will be a vertical strip on the right side. If true (default) the legend strip will be along the bottom.
vector of colors.
transformation to be done on data (default: log). For linear scale: function(x) x.
back transformation to plot correct labels (default: exp). For linear scale: function(x) x.
image.plot arguments.
, ProfileSet-class
# for linear scale:
trafo=function(x) x,
backtrafo=function(x) x,
minData=100, maxData=50000)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab