Calculates the integral of the squared differences between functions
l2.norm(s, datafd, M)
number of sites where the original dataset was measured
a functional data object representing a smoothed dataset. See DETAILS below.
symmetric matrix defining the roughness penalty for functions expressed in terms of a B-spline or Fourier basis. See DETAILS below.
The calculated matrix of squared differences between each observation for each measured site. This matrix has two properties:
Is symmetric.
It's diagonal is filled with zeros.
Roughness penalty matrix
This matrix is the output of one of the following functions: fourierpen
y bsplinepen
. The used function depends upon the smoothing type which is going to be applied.
When the roughness penalty matrix is being calculated, the following considerations are taked in count:
The differential operator passed as parameter for both fourierpen
and bsplinepen
is always zero.
When the selected smooth method is bsplines, the basis object passed to bsplinepen
is the output of the function create.bspline.basis
as the rangeval
parameter, nbasis
as the number of basis functions parameter and the default order of b-splines, which is four, a cubic spline, as the norder
When the selected smooth method is fourier, the basis object is the output of the function fourierpen
. The parameters rangeval
and nbasis
are the same as for create.bspline.basis
, and the period
parameter as the number of observations on each curve.
for doing Ordinary Kriging for function-value data, trace.variog
for functional empirical trace variogram calculation, fit.tracevariog
for fitting a variogram model in the functional scenario.