okfd.cv(coords, data, argnames=c("argument", "sites", "values"),
one.model=TRUE, smooth.type=NULL,
argvals=seq(0,1,len=dim(data)[1]), array.lambda=0, cov.model=NULL,
fix.nugget=FALSE, nugget=0, fix.kappa=TRUE, kappa=0.5,
coordinates of the sites where functional data are observed (dim: s by 2)
matrix with values for the observed functions (dim: m by s)
a character vector of length three containing: the name of the argument (argvals), a description of the sites (coord), the name of the observed function values.
logical, indicates whether the cross validation is going to be done just one model or one model for each site. Deafult is TRUE. See details below.
a string with the name of smoothing method to be applied to data
. Available choices are: "bsplines" and "fourier".
array with values for the number of elements in the cubic B-spline basis.
a set of argument values. (length: m)
array of penalization parameters for smoothing the observed functions.
a string with the name of the correlation function. Default is NULL, see DETAILS
logical, indicating whether the nugget
parameter should be estimated or not.
value for the nugget parameter.
logical, indicating whether the kappa
parameter should be estimated or not.
value of the smoothness parameter.
a numerical value defining the maximum distance considered when fitting the variogram.
A list with the following components:
Validation models
The parameter one.model
is used to define the models used in the cross validation:
If it is TRUE
, a model and smoothed data are created before the beginning and used inside the cross validation process.
If it is FALSE
, then for each site a model and smoothed data are created and used on each iteration.
Giraldo, R. (2009) Geostatistical Analysis of Functional Data. Ph.D. thesis. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
Giraldo, R., Delicado, P. and Mateu, J. (2012) geofd: An R package for function-valued geostatistical prediction. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica. 35, 385-407.