if (FALSE) {
file <- system.file("examples", "norway_maple.kml", package = "geojsonio")
# KML type file - using the web method
file_to_geojson(input = file, method = "web", output = "kml_web")
## read into memory
file_to_geojson(input = file, method = "web", output = ":memory:")
file_to_geojson(input = file, method = "local", output = ":memory:")
# KML type file - using the local method
file_to_geojson(input = file, method = "local", output = "kml_local")
# Shp type file - using the web method - input is a zipped shp bundle
file <- system.file("examples", "bison.zip", package = "geojsonio")
file_to_geojson(file, method = "web", output = "shp_web")
# Shp type file - using the local method - input is the actual .shp file
file <- system.file("examples", "bison.zip", package = "geojsonio")
dir <- tempdir()
unzip(file, exdir = dir)
shpfile <- file.path(dir, "bison-Bison_bison-20130704-120856.shp")
file_to_geojson(shpfile, method = "local", output = "shp_local")
# geojson with .json extension
## this doesn't work anymore, hmmm
# x <- gsub("\n", "", paste0('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hunterowens/
# 25ea24e198c80c9fbcc7/raw/7fd3efda9009f902b5a991a506cea52db19ba143/
# wards2014.json', collapse = ""))
# res <- file_to_geojson(x)
# jsonlite::fromJSON(res)
# res <- file_to_geojson(x, method = "local")
# jsonlite::fromJSON(res)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab