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geometry (version 0.5.1)

mesh.diff: Difference, union and intersection operation on two regions


Compute the signed distances from points p to a region defined by the difference, union or intersection of regions specified by the functions regionA and regionB. regionA and regionB must accept a matrix p with 2 columns as their first argument, and must return a vector of length nrow(p) containing the signed distances of the supplied points in p to their respective regions.


mesh.diff(p, regionA, regionB, ...)


A vector of length nrow(p) containing the signed distances to the boundary of the region.



A matrix with 2 columns (3 in mesh.dsphere), each row representing a point in the plane.


vectorized function describing region A in the union / intersection / difference


vectorized function describing region B in the union / intersection / difference


additional arguments passed to regionA and regionB


Raoul Grasman; translated from original Matlab sources of Per-Olof Persson.

See Also

distmesh2d, mesh.dcircle, mesh.drectangle mesh.dsphere