A list of two datasets, vertices and edges, containing data on employees and (fictitious) email headers from two weeks of internal GAStech company email between employees made available as part of the VAST challenge 2014 (K. Cook, G. Grinstein, M. Whiting, see http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/varepository/benchmarks.php). The variables are as follows:
A list of two data frames:
the edges data set consists of ten variables of length 9063:
From: Email address of sender
eID: email ID. If an email ws sent to multiple recipients, the email ID is the same.
Date: Date and time email was sent
Subject: Subject line of email
to: Email address of recipient
month: Month email was sent
day: Day of month email was sent
year: Year email was sent
nrecipients: Number of recipients of email
the nodes data set consists of 18 variables with information on 55 employees:
label: Employee's email address
LastName: Employee's last name
FirstName: Employee's first name
BirthDate: Employee's first date
BirthCountry: Employee's (fictional) country of birth
Gender: Employee's gender
CitizenshipCountry: Employee's (fictional) country of citizenship
CitizenshipBasis: Is citizenship by birth or parents?
CitizenshipStartDate: When employee became a citizen
PassportCountry: (Fictional) country issuing employee's passport
PassportIssueDate: Date employee received passport
PassportExpirationDate: Date employee's passport expires
CurrentEmploymentType: Employee's department in the company
CurrentEmploymentTitle: Employee's title at the company
CurrentEmploymentStartDate: Date employee started at position
MilitaryServiceBranch: Branch of the (fictional) military in which the employee serves
MilitaryDischargeType: General or honorable discharge from military service?