A function to calculate equidistant two-dimensional and three-dimensional semilandmarks along a curve. These landmarks will be treated as "sliders" in Generalized Procrustes analysis gpagen
. This type of semilandmark "slides" along curves lacking known landmarks (see Bookstein 1997 for algorithm details). Each sliding semilandmark ("sliders") will slide between two designated points, along a line tangent to the specified curvature, as specified by define.sliders
digit.curves(start, curve, nPoints, closed = T)
A vector of x,y,(z) coordinates for the fixed landmark defining the start of the curve
A p-x-k matrix of 2D or 3D coordinates for a set of ordered points defining a curve
Numeric how many semilandmarks to place equidistantly along the curve
Logical Whether the curve is closed (TRUE) or open (FALSE)
Function returns a matrix of coordinates for nPoints equally spaced semilandmarks sampled along the curve (plus start and end if 'closed = F', or only including start if 'closed = T')
The function is based upon tpsDig2 'resample curve by length' for 2D data by James Rohlf.
The start of the curve is a fixed landmark on the curve that is equivalent (homologous) in each specimen in the sample (and will be treated as a fixed point during Procrustes Superimpoistion using gpagen
). Then nPoints are calculated along the curve at equidistant points from the start to the end.
'curve' is a p-x-k matrix of 2D or 3D coordinates for a set of ordered points defining a curve. This can be the pixels of an outline calculated in ImageJ (save xy coordinates) or any other reasonable way of obtaining ordered coordinates along a curve (including sampling by hand using
or digitize2d
- but note that there should be more points defining the curve than nPoints in order to accurately calculate the semilandmarks).
If 'closed = T', the function returns the coordinates of the 'start' landmark plus nPoints. If 'closed = F', the function returns the coordinates of the 'start' landmark, plus nPoints and the end of the curve.
Bookstein, F. J. 1997 Landmark Methods for Forms without Landmarks: Morphometrics of Group Differences in Outline Shape. Medical Image Analysis 1(3):225-243.