This functions serves as a helper function when linear models have nested (hierarchical) structure. It is used on
objects that were formerly evaluated with type I sums of squares (SS), as is typical
with models with only fixed effects. Using a formula for nested effects, this function identifies the fixed and random
SS in the random outcomes used to generate the procD.lm
object, and updates the F-values,
Z-scores, and P-values based on F values adjusted to be MS fixed/MS random (nested). This is accomplished by
generating random values for each iteration previously used in the procD.lm
This function can be used recursively for multiple updates, when multiple nested effects are used. The function can
currently only handle single factors nested within other single factors.
Function returns the same list as procD.lm
but with new random F values and Cohen's f-squared values
substituted The ANOVA table is updated in terms of F-values, Z-scores, and P-values. Z-scores are re-calculated
for all effects to be consistent with the type of distribution used. If either Cohen's f-squared values or F values
were originally chosen, the same distributions are used in the update; if SS values were originally chosen, the
distribution is changed to Cohen's f-squared to calculate Z-scores. This change assures consistency in effect size
estimation, as the effectthat is updated cannot have an effect size based on SS.
It is important that the formula is input correctly. It can be input as one of the following four styles:
~ fixed/random
~ fixed + fixed/random
The two formulae above achieve the same model terms for the expanded model: ~ fixed + fixed:random
~ random + fixed/random
~ random + fixed + fixed/random
The two formulae above achieve the same model terms for the expanded model: ~ random + fixed + random:fixed
The procD.lm
object will be updated in the same way with either of the approaches. First, the F-value
for the fixed term will be adjusted as MS-fixed/MS-interaction for every random permutation. Second, the P-value for the fixed
effect will be estimated from this new distribution of F-values. Although the function will try to catch improper
formulae and alert the user, it is possible the function will work with an improper formula. Thus, adherence to one of the
formulae above is recommended for best results.
Effect sizes (Z scores) are based on either the distribution of random F values or a distribution of
Cohen's f-squared values, calculated in every pemutation. An attempt will be made to preserve the effect size
type used in the previous procD.lm
or procD.pgls
analysis. However, an analysis
performed in procD.lm
using effect size calculated from random SS values will be updated
to use random Cohen's f-squared values for all effects, to avoid having effect sizes measured from different
distributions in the same analysis.