Automates importing CRU CL v.2.0 climatology data and creates a terra terra::rast object of the data. If requested, minimum and maximum temperature may also be automatically calculated as described in the data readme.txt file. Data may be cached for later use by this function, saving time downloading files in future using this function. This function can be useful if you have network connection issues that mean automated downloading of the files using R does not work properly or you have cached the files locally for your own future use.
pre = FALSE,
pre_cv = FALSE,
rd0 = FALSE,
tmp = FALSE,
dtr = FALSE,
reh = FALSE,
tmn = FALSE,
tmx = FALSE,
sunp = FALSE,
frs = FALSE,
wnd = FALSE,
elv = FALSE,
pre = FALSE,
pre_cv = FALSE,
rd0 = FALSE,
tmp = FALSE,
dtr = FALSE,
reh = FALSE,
tmn = FALSE,
tmx = FALSE,
sunp = FALSE,
frs = FALSE,
wnd = FALSE,
elv = FALSE,
A base::list of terra::rast objects of CRU
CL v. 2.0 climatology elements.
Loads precipitation (millimetres/month) from server and
returns in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads cv of precipitation (percent) from server and
returns in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
. NOTE. Setting this
will always results in pre being set to TRUE
returned as well.
Loads wet-days (number days with >0.1 millimetres rain per
month) and returns in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads temperature (degrees Celsius) and returns it in the
data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads mean diurnal temperature range (degrees Celsius)
and returns it in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads relative humidity and returns it in the data frame, TRUE
Defaults to FALSE
Calculate minimum temperature values (degrees Celsius)
and returns it in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Calculate maximum temperature (degrees Celsius) and
return it in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads sunshine, percent of maximum possible (percent of
day length) and returns it in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads ground-frost records (number of days with ground-
frost per month) and returns it in the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to
Load 10 m wind speed (metres/second) and returns it in the
data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Loads elevation (converted to metres) and returns it in
the data frame, TRUE
. Defaults to FALSE
Local file path where CRU CL v.2.0 .dat.gz files are located.
precipitation (millimetres/month)
wet-days (number days with >0.1 millimetres rain per month)
mean temperature (degrees Celsius)
mean diurnal temperature range (degrees Celsius)
relative humidity (percent)
sunshine (percent of maximum possible (percent of day length))
ground-frost (number of days with ground-frost per month)
10 metre windspeed (metres/second)
elevation (automatically converted to metres)
For more information see the description of the data provided by CRU,
Adam H. Sparks,
New, Mark, et al. "A high-resolution data set of surface climate over global land areas." Climate research 21.1 (2002): 1-25.
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
url = "",
destfile = file.path(tempdir(), "grid_10min_tmp.dat.gz")
CRU_tmp <- create_CRU_stack(tmp = TRUE, dsn = tempdir())
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab