##simulate from an AR(1):
y <- arima.sim(list(ar=0.4), 40)
##estimate AR(2) model with intercept:
mymod <- arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=c(1,2))
##generate out-of-sample forecasts:
##same, but plot the predictions in addition:
#predict(mymod, plot=TRUE)
##same, but return also the quantiles of the confidence intervals:
#predict(mymod, ci.levels=c(0.50,0.90), plot=TRUE)
##same, but with non-default levels on the confidence intervals:
#predict(mymod, ci.levels=c(0.20,0.80, 0.99), plot=TRUE)
##same, but with more confidence intervals:
#predict(mymod, ci.levels=seq(0.20, 0.95, by=0.05), plot=TRUE)
##same, but with less rugged ci's (achieved by increasing n.sim):
##predict(mymod, ci.levels=seq(0.20, 0.95, by=0.05), n.sim=50000, plot=TRUE)
##same, but using standard normals (instead of bootstrap) in the simulations:
#n.sim <- 2000
#n.ahead <- 12 #the default on n.ahead
#predict(mymod, ci.levels=seq(0.20, 0.95, by=0.05), n.sim=n.sim,
# innov=rnorm(n.ahead*n.sim), plot=TRUE)
##make x-regressors:
x <- matrix(rnorm(40*3), 40, 3)
##estimate AR(1) model with intercept and covariates:
mymod <- arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=1, mxreg=x)
##predict up to 5 steps ahead, setting x's to 0 out-of-sample:
predict(mymod, n.ahead=5, newmxreg=matrix(0,5,NCOL(x)))
##same, but do also plot:
#predict(mymod, n.ahead=5, newmxreg=matrix(0,5,NCOL(x)),
# plot=TRUE)
##estimate an AR(2) model w/intercept and a log-ARCH(1) specification
##on the variance:
#mymodel <- arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=1:2, arch=1)
##generate forecasts of the conditional variances:
#predict(mymodel, spec="variance")
##same, but do also plot:
#predict(mymodel, spec="variance", plot=TRUE)
##illustrations of the usage of plot.options:
#mymodel <- arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=1)
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(keep=1))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(line.at.origin=TRUE))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(start.at.origin=FALSE))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE,
# plot.options=list(start.at.origin=FALSE, fitted=TRUE))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(dot.at.origin=FALSE))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(hlines=c(-2,-1,0,1,2)))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(col=c("darkred","green")))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(lty=c(3,2)))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(lwd=3))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(ylim=c(-8,8)))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(ylab="User-specified y-axis"))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE,
# plot.options=list(main="User-specified overall title"))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE,
# plot.options=list(legend.text=c("User-specified 1","User-specified 2")))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(fitted=TRUE))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(newmactual=rep(0,6)))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(shades.of.grey=c(95,50)))
#predict(mymodel, plot=TRUE, plot.options=list(shades.of.grey=c(50,95))) #invert shades
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