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ggalluvial (version 0.12.3)

lode-guidance-functions: Lode guidance functions


These functions control the order of lodes within strata in an alluvial diagram. They are invoked by stat_alluvium() and can be passed to the lode.guidance parameter.


lode_zigzag(n, i)

lode_zagzig(n, i)

lode_forward(n, i)

lode_rightward(n, i)

lode_backward(n, i)

lode_leftward(n, i)

lode_frontback(n, i)

lode_rightleft(n, i)

lode_backfront(n, i)

lode_leftright(n, i)



Numeric, a positive integer


Numeric, a positive integer at most n


Each function orders the numbers 1 through n, starting at index i. The choice of function made in stat_alluvium() determines the order in which the other axes contribute to the sorting of lodes within each index axis. After starting at i, the functions order the remaining axes as follows:

  • zigzag: Zigzag outward from i, starting in the outward direction

  • zigzag: Zigzag outward from i, starting in the inward direction

  • forward: Increasing order (alias rightward)

  • backward: Decreasing order (alias leftward)

  • frontback: Proceed forward from i to n, then backward to 1 (alias rightleft)

  • backfront: Proceed backward from i to 1, then forward to n (alias leftright)