Learn R Programming

ggformula (version 0.6)

gf_abline: Reference lines -- horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.


These functions create layers that display lines described i various ways. Unlike most of the plotting functions in ggformula, these functions do not take a formula as input for describing positional attributes of the plot.


gf_abline(object = NULL, gformula = NULL, data = NA, geom = "abline",
  stat = "identity", position = "identity", show.legend = NA,
  show.help = NULL, inherit = FALSE, ...)

gf_hline(object = NULL, gformula = NULL, data = NA, geom = "hline", stat = "identity", position = "identity", show.legend = NA, show.help = NULL, inherit = FALSE, ...)

gf_vline(object = NULL, gformula = NULL, data = NA, geom = "vline", stat = "identity", position = "identity", show.legend = NA, show.help = NULL, inherit = FALSE, ...)

gf_coefline(object = NULL, coef = NULL, model = NULL, ...)



When chaining, this holds an object produced in the earlier portions of the chain. Most users can safely ignore this argument. See details and examples.


Must be NULL.


A data frame with the variables to be plotted.


A character string naming the geom used to make the layer.


A character string naming the stat used to make the layer.


Either a character string naming the position function used for the layer or a position object returned from a call to a position function.


A logical indicating whether this layer should be included in the legends. NA, the default, includes layer in the legends if any of the attributes of the layer are mapped.


If TRUE, display some minimal help.


A logical indicating whether default attributes are inherited.


Additional arguments. Typically these are (a) ggplot2 aesthetics to be set with attribute = value, (b) ggplot2 aesthetics to be mapped with attribute = ~expression, or (c) attributes of the layer as a whole, which are set with attribute = value. Available attributes include slope, intercept


A numeric vector of length at least 2, treated as intercept and slope. Additional components, if any, are ignored (with a warning).


An object with a method for coef() that returns a numeric vector, the first two elements of which are intercept and slope. This is equivalent to coef = coef(model).


a gg object

See Also

geom_abline(), geom_vline(), geom_hline()


Run this code
mtcars2 <- df_stats( wt ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
gf_point(wt ~ hp, size = ~wt, color = ~cyl, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_abline(slope = 0, intercept = ~median, color = ~cyl, data = mtcars2)
gf_point(wt ~ hp, size = ~wt, color = ~cyl, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_hline(slope = 0, yintercept = ~median, color = ~cyl, data = mtcars2)

gf_point(mpg ~ hp, color = ~cyl, size = ~wt, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_abline(color="red", slope = -0.10, intercept = 35)
gf_point(mpg ~ hp, color = ~cyl, size = ~wt, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_abline(color = "red", slope = ~slope, intercept = ~intercept,
  data = data.frame(slope = -0.10, intercept = 33:35))
gf_point(mpg ~ hp, color = ~cyl, size = ~wt, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_abline(intercept = ~ c(10, 20, 30), slope = ~c(1, 0, -1)/100,
    color = c("red", "green", "blue"))

# We can set the color of the guidelines while mapping color in other
# layers
gf_point(mpg ~ hp, color = ~cyl, size = ~wt, data = mtcars) %>%
  gf_hline(color = "navy", yintercept = ~c(20, 25)) %>%
  gf_vline(color = "brown", xintercept = ~c(200, 300))

# If we want to map the color of the guidelines, it must work with the
# scale of the other colors in the plot.
gf_point(mpg ~ hp, size = ~wt, data = mtcars, alpha = 0.3) %>%
  gf_hline(color = ~"horizontal", yintercept = ~c(20, 25)) %>%
  gf_vline(color = ~"vertical", xintercept = ~c(100, 200, 300), data = NA)
gf_point(mpg ~ hp, size = ~wt, color = ~ factor(cyl), data = mtcars, alpha = 0.3) %>%
  gf_hline(color = "orange", yintercept = 20, data = NA) %>%
  gf_vline(color = ~c("4", "6", "8"), xintercept = c(80, 120, 250), data = NA) %>%
# reversing the layers requires using inherit = FALSE
gf_hline(color = "orange", yintercept = 20, data = NA) %>%
  gf_vline(color = ~c("4", "6", "8"), xintercept = c(80, 120, 250), data = NA) %>%
  gf_point(mpg ~ hp, size = ~wt, color = ~ factor(cyl), data = mtcars, alpha = 0.3,
    inherit = FALSE)

# }

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