Max generates a maximal graph that induces the same
independence model from a non-maximal graph.
A matrix that consists 4 different integers as an \(ij\)-element: 0 for a missing
edge between \(i\) and \(j\), 1 for an arrow from \(i\) to \(j\), 10 for a full line between
\(i\) and \(j\), and 100 for a bi-directed arrow between \(i\) and \(j\). These numbers are
added to be associated with multiple edges of different types. The matrix is
symmetric w.r.t full lines and bi-directed arrows.
An adjacency matrix, or a graph that can be a graphNEL or an igraph object
or a vector of length \(3e\), where \(e\) is the number of edges of the graph,
that is a sequence of triples (type, node1label, node2label). The type
of edge can be "a" (arrows from node1 to node2), "b" (arcs), and
"l" (lines).
Kayvan Sadeghi
Max looks for non-adjacent pais of nodes that are connected by
primitive inducing paths, and connect such pairs by an appropriate edge.
Richardson, T.S. and Spirtes, P. (2002). Ancestral graph Markov models. Annals
of Statistics, 30(4), 962-1030.
Sadeghi, K. and Lauritzen, S.L. (2014). Markov properties for loopless mixed graphs. Bernoulli 20(2), 676-696.