Route two locations: determine a sequence of steps (legs) between two
locations using the Google Directions API. Note: To use Google's Directions
API, you must first enable the API in the Google Cloud Platform Console. See
route(from, to, mode = c("driving", "walking", "bicycling", "transit"),
structure = c("legs", "route"), output = c("simple", "all"),
alternatives = FALSE, units = "metric", urlonly = FALSE,
override_limit = FALSE, ext = "com", inject = "", ...)routeQueryCheck()
a data frame (output="simple") or all of the geocoded information (output="all")
name of origin addresses in a data frame
name of destination addresses in a data frame
driving, bicycling, walking, or transit
structure of output, "legs" or "route", see examples
amount of output ("simple" or "all")
should more than one route be provided?
return only the url?
override the current query count
domain extension (e.g. "com", "")
character string to add to the url
David Kahle,
, legs2route
, routeQueryCheck
, register_google