accesses a tile server for Stamen Maps and
downloads/stitches map tiles/formats a map image. Note that Stamen maps don't
cover the entire world.
bbox = c(left = -95.80204, bottom = 29.38048, right = -94.92313, top = 30.14344),
zoom = 10,
maptype = c("terrain", "terrain-background", "terrain-labels", "terrain-lines",
"toner", "toner-2010", "toner-2011", "toner-background", "toner-hybrid",
"toner-labels", "toner-lines", "toner-lite", "watercolor"),
crop = TRUE,
messaging = FALSE,
urlonly = FALSE,
color = c("color", "bw"),
force = FALSE,
where = tempdir(),
https = FALSE,
a ggmap object (a classed raster object with a bounding box attribute)
a bounding box in the format c(lowerleftlon, lowerleftlat, upperrightlon, upperrightlat).
a zoom level
terrain, terrain-background, terrain-labels, terrain-lines, toner, toner-2010, toner-2011, toner-background, toner-hybrid, toner-labels, toner-lines, toner-lite, or watercolor.
crop raw map tiles to specified bounding box. if FALSE, the resulting map will more than cover the bounding box specified.
turn messaging on/off
return url only
color or black-and-white (use force = TRUE if you've already downloaded the images)
if the map is on file, should a new map be looked up?
where should the file drawer be located (without terminating "/")
if TRUE, queries an https endpoint so that web traffic between you and the tile server is ecrypted using SSL.
..., ggmap()