accesses a tile server for Stamen Maps and
downloads/stitches map tiles/formats a map image. This function requires an
api key which can be obtained for free from,
now defunct. Thousands of maptypes ("styles"), including create-your-own
options, are available from (defunct).
bbox = c(left = -95.80204, bottom = 29.38048, right = -94.92313, top = 30.14344),
zoom = 10,
maptype = 1,
highres = TRUE,
crop = TRUE,
messaging = FALSE,
urlonly = FALSE,
filename = NULL,
color = c("color", "bw"),
a ggmap object (a classed raster object with a bounding box attribute)
a bounding box in the format c(lowerleftlon, lowerleftlat, upperrightlon, upperrightlat).
a zoom level
character string containing cloud made api key, see details
an integer of what cloud made calls style, see details
double resolution
crop raw map tiles to specified bounding box
turn messaging on/off
return url only
destination file for download (file extension added according
to format). Default NULL
means a random tempfile()
color or black-and-white
David Kahle (defunct), ggmap()